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"Leading the way in Christian Education for over 10 Years"

Our Story

The late Dr. Nathaniel L. Screven, Sr., A.A., B.A., Th.B., M.A., M.R.E., Th.M., Th.D was the Founder and President of the Evangelical Bible Institute, a Bible College that he organized in the 1970s. Since its inception in the 1970’s thousands of adult students have attended.

His wife of 50 years, Mother Jean Screven, was working by his side in the ministry. The late Dr. Screven trusting his wife and respecting her love for the ministry made Mother Jean Screven Vice President and Registrar of Evangelical Bible Institute.

Thus upon his death, God gave Mother Jean Screven a vision, and through the grace of God and great effort Mother Jean Screven wanted to continue Dr. Screven's life-long work and legacy, thus in his honor, Screven Memorial Bible Institute, Inc. was birthed.

What We Offer…

The programs of study are classified as follows:


Certificate Programs

          General Bible Studies

          Christian Education

          Christian Counseling







Affiliated with Jameson Christian College

These “Ecclesiastical” degrees are ministry minded with the understanding that students desire to earn their degrees for such matters as would help in ministry.



​     GB001 – Introduction to Evangelism

     Course Length: 1 semester

     Credits: 4

This is an introductory course that teaches the believer how to share their witness and testimony of Jesus Christ. The student is provided with strategies on how to win the souls of young and old alike for the kingdom of Jesus Christ.


GB002 – Old Testament Survey I

     Course Length: 1 semester

     Credits: 4

This is an introductory course that provides basic knowledge of the Old Testament books of Law and History.  It explores the exciting times of ancient Israel, including topics such as: the patriarchs, Israel’s trek to the Promised Land, David’s reign, Solomon’s kingdom, the kingdom of Judah, the exile, and the return from captivity.





​     EV001 – New Testament Survey New Testament Survey

     Course Length: 1 semester

     Credits: 4

This is an introductory course that explores the background and composition of the New Testament.  It provides an overview of: the Synoptic Gospels, Gospel of John, Book of Acts, Pauline Epistles, General Epistles, and the book of Revelation.


EV002 – Triune God, Bible Doctrine 1

     Course Length: 1 semester

     Credits: 4

This is an introductory course in the doctrine of theology.  It provides basic and foundational truths concerning the nature and existence of God.


EV003 - Christian Education Foundations


​     - Intro to Psychology & Counseling

     - Christian Counseling Casebook

     - Innovative Approaches to Counseling

     - Practicum II – Case Studies



​     - World Missions Well Sent

     - Biblical Psychology

     - Book of Revelation

     - Systematic Theology II

     - Hermeneutics

     - Contemporary Educ. Issues

     - Biblical Theology of the NT





Screven Memorial Bible Institute est. 2008

973-368-2806  or  SMBIINC@GMAIL.COM

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